Thursday, September 29, 2011

My baby turns 2.

This girl turn 2 today.
We celebrated on Sunday with a Little Mermaid themed party.
First up the dress.
I found a super cute tutorial and super cute fabric & after that the dress came together in just a couple hours.

I saw these super cute tissue paper pom poms on Pinterest and decided I had to make them.
  Of course balloons are a must.
 And the twinkly kelp ribbon forest was a big hit, with the adults.
Photo banner of the birthday girl from birth to second birthday.
Pretty party hats, inspired by Girl. Inspired.
Homemade pinata, next time I'm doing it this way. Making it look fluffy took waaaaay too much time. Like 4-5 hours. Thank goodness for Netflix.
But she loved it, so it was worth it. This time.
 Best thing was it cost me only $5 to make and a kid broke it. Not like the last one we bought.
Yeah that's my 6 1/2 month preggo SIL going all Barry Bonds on the pinata. She's hardcore like that.
My SIL Theresa frosted the cake all fancy.
 French vanilla cake tinted shades of pink with blue whipped cream frosting.
It was delish.
Happy birthday Baby Girl. We love you.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Homemade gdiaper inserts

I just cleaned out my fabric stash the other day and found a ton of scraps. Then a friend offered me 2 gdiapers and I knew exactly how all those fleece, terry cloth & flannel scraps were going to be used. Ta-da!

We don't know what sex we are having and I thought the hubs might say something about the girly patterns but he's smart enough to realize babies don't care what they pee on. ; ]

I made 6 inserts it took about 45 minutes while watching TV & having a 4 year old helper.
They are super simple to make. I just used the one "disposable" insert she gave me as a pattern. 2 layers of fleece or 3 layers of terry cloth sandwiched between 2 pieces of flannel, serge the edges. Done.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why do kids grow?

In one week my baby girl will be 2. I feel like I just brought her home from the hospital like last week.

Look at this tiny sweet newborn perfection.

And now she's a giant independent potty trained little girl.
I'd like to freeze time and keep my babies small forever.
Oh, well I'll have another newborn come March. Until then I'll just enjoy my big girls.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Projects with my mommy!

I know I said I'd post on Friday but I kinda suck so, sorry. My hubby's out of town at see his sister get married so my mom came to visit and make sure I don't kill the girls help me out around the house. Here are some of the projects we've done. Hung curtains for my closet doors. They're 4 pairs of Ikea Lill curtains (only $4.99 a pair!)

 We also got the chandy I picked up at the Goodwill rewired and hung. It was ugly gold before it's make over. Now it's white with pink candles and pearls. Girly and cute.

I have more to do. Hopefully I'll have another post in the next few days.


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