Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Happiness is...(week 15)

 Despite puking my guts out on Thursday and then sleeping for almost 20 hours in a 24 hour period, with a sicky baby boy, this week was pretty good.

Getting a doll stroller ride from big sister.
Donating 85 ounces of milk to a baby in need.
Strawberry-cherry smoothie with chia seeds & probiotics. (& the boy's 'stache shirt!)
Finally getting the too small clothes washed, sorted & ready for my friend's little boy.
My first kefir water!
Resting my tired legs and watching some anime after doing squats.

 Find out what makes Lisa happy over at Crazy Adventures in Parenting & link up what makes you happy while you are there!
Crazy Adventures in Parenting


  1. Hey,

    Sorry, but the first paragraph made me smile. You were puking your guts out - but the week was still a great one! Good for you!

    It's funny, cause yesterday i was sick, but that was due to something I ate. When I woke up, I knew immediately, that I had to do my happiness is post.

    I love that picture of your sitting down and watching TV. Luv the feet! Ha!

  2. Oops, wrong account


    Sorry, but the first paragraph made me smile. You were puking your guts out - but the week was still a great one! Good for you!

    It's funny, cause yesterday i was sick, but that was due to something I ate. When I woke up, I knew immediately, that I had to do my happiness is post.

    I love that picture of your sitting down and watching TV. Luv the feet! Ha!

  3. Oh gosh, we both had the tummy bug! Sucks, man! But your week was still good (and so was mine!) Love these!



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