Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Used Clothes

Yesterday Nana, Auntie Theresa and Andrew came over to our house to visit. We played on the playground, went to the library and went shopping at Mango Street Kids, which is a second hand clothing store, while Nana took the kids for shaved ice. I traded some baby clothes that Baby wasn't going to be able to use and used the credit to get Mina a new bathing suit, which is super cute, and a purple shirt with rabbits on it. I only got one little shirt for Baby but we have lots of Mina's old stuff. Plus my friend Alyssa is saving her daughter's clothes for us.

Mina's rabby shirt
Eating a pickle for breakfast
Kisses for baby sisterVery patriotic
She almost looks like she chilling out at the beach

1 comment:

  1. Love those Mina eyelashes. Pickles for breakfast?!?! Oh my!

    So how was the Mango Street Kids store? I wanted to go while I was in town but I didn't make it.



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