Friday, January 23, 2009

Mina the [tattoo] artist

Look what Mina did today! She made art on her tummy! She was so proud of herself.

Mina was being so sweet to Andrew tonight. Look at her giving him a big hug.

So Mina was being super weird at dinner. She would take a bite of tamale & then use her fork to scratch her armpit. I guess tamale tastes better with pit juice.

So our camera was missing for a few days [Nana's sofa ate it.] so here are some pics from the 10th of Mina and Andrew enjoying their yummy ice cream. [But just for the record Theresa's homemade ice cream is way yummier.]

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Pictures of Mina AND Andrew! I'm glad you found your camera - can't wait for more!



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