Tuesday, May 4, 2010

MTM Cinco de Mayo

Breakfast of champs. Well Mina did eat two packets of oatmeal and some fruit before hand but you get the idea. I only had 5 or 10 churros and 2 strawberries. And it's a total mystery why I didn't hit the pavement today.
I made some delish churros from the recipe found on Momma's Playground. It was so good. I'm totally making more on 5/5. I'm even gonna try some gluten free for my FIL who I love oh so much. We also had onion and bell pepper quesadillas for lunch (and by "we" I mean the people who can eat diary products) but I'm currently having trouble locating my camera. so yeah. I'll post those pics whenever I find it.

oh so awesome link that will take you to even more awesome MTMs.
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. i totally want to try that recipe out. and i told her, too. and now i'm telling you. because it's good to share.

    also. they look good. maybe if you just send me some, i wouldn't have to even make them.

  2. I have to try these ... everyone is doing it!!! Looks so yummy!

  3. Love churros! I have never made any because it looked too hard. I may have to try.



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